Become a Member
All the entities involved in the production, distribution, promotion and development of the performing arts field in the Marche region can become Participants and Adherents associates of Consorzio Marche Spettacolo.
“The application of admission must be presented to the Consortial Assembly, also in person by the Chairperson, with all the adequate documents proving the requirements needed for the admission to the Consortium. In the application the applicant must declare to be aware and accept without terms and conditions the Statute dispositions, rules and regulations and the decisions of the governing bodies of the Consortium. The admission is decided by the Consortial Assembly.”
(Clause n.4 of the Consorzio Marche Spettacolo Statute)
Tutta la documentazione sopra descritta va inviata tramite mail a o presso la sede operativa dell’ente:
CMS Consorzio Marche Spettacolo
c/o Assemblea Legislativa delle Marche
Piazza Cavour 23
60121 Ancona